858 0799 0438
+1 253 215 8782
. Or find another dial in number to call in by phone.858 0799 0438
(Note: phone dial-in password is different from the video password above.)
Right now the only way we have to make contributions is online via the Square Cash app. See the Square Cash Instructions page for detailed instructions, or download the app, add a debit card or other source of funds, and then send cash by clicking or scanning this QR code:
You can also just send money to $ILoveMyselfToday instead of clicking or scanning the code.
Note: If you contribute this way, your contributions will be confidential, but not anonymous. This is because online contributions are tracked by the Square Cash apps as required by US Government Know Your Customer regulations. If you're uncomfortable with this, please don't donate, it's ok.
We are not meeting in person right now, but when we start again, we will meet Friday nights, 6:30pm - 7:30pm at Virginia Mason Hospital in Correa Conference Room B. Enter through the cafeteria.
The address is:
1100 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Google Maps link
How to Get Your 12-Step Group Online – How-to guide for making a page like this one for your group.